A. SNHC is an inter-Tribal association made up of the following federally recognized Tribes: Shivwits Band of Paiutes, Kanosh Band of Paiutes, and the Confederated Tribes of the GoshuteReservation. The Tribes of SNHC are each federally recognized, sovereign Indian Tribes listed on the Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Entities Recognized List.
SNHC is a Tribal government instrumentality, exercising delegated authority from participating Tribes to regulate and administer Tribal health and insurance laws. SNHC regulates the health insurance services according to Tribal law for the Tribal Health Community established by the Tribal Health and Insurance Code.
SNHC owns and operates a wholly owned sovereign domestic insurance company called Paradigm Health Solutions (SNI).
A. SNI is a 100% Tribally owned insurance company owned by multiple federally recognized Indian Tribes. Federally recognized Tribes have inherent sovereignty, which is the right of Tribes to make their own laws and govern themselves. The Tribes participating in SNHC have exercised that sovereignty to create and operate SNI.
SNI engages in interstate and inter-Tribal commerce, both on and off Reservation, with members of Tribal Health Communities (THC) established by sovereign Tribal Law. SNI is a limited liability company established under the Shivwits Band of Paiutes’ Limited Liability Company Act. SNI provides health care and insurance benefit solutions throughout the United States to all members of Tribal Health Communities, both Native American and non-Indians alike.
A. Yes. Through the established Tribal Health and Insurance Code, anyone in the continental U.S. that agrees to follow the Code and become a member of the Native American Restoration Association (NARA) is eligible to purchase an SNI insurance policy. Programs are available for primary policyholders that are between the ages of 18-64 and their dependents.
A. NARA is a federally recognized Tribal government non-profit membership organization. NARA is committed to restoring the health of Native Americans and indigenous populations at home and abroad. SNI insurance policyholders are members of NARA, and contribute a small monthly fee to NARA to improve the health and welfare of Tribes and restore the health of indigenous people through related government economic development.
A. Becoming a member of NARA qualifies a person as a member of the Tribal Health Community, which in turn grants them access to Tribal insurance products through SNI. Membership in NARA allows U.S. citizens to support Federally recognized Tribal communities, while also gaining access to health insurance at much more reasonable costs.
A. Yes. SNI policy holders have access to providers in the PHCS Practitioner & Ancillary Network and can locate providers by visiting www.multiplan.com/sni. Members also have access to a secondary network called PNOA, to locate providers in that network visit: www.pnoa-ppo.com/find-a-provider.
Additionally, members receiving care in the states of Montana and Minnesota also have access to the Multiplan Practitioner & Ancillary network. Members receiving care in Wyoming have access to First Choice of the Midwest network. If otherwise eligible for services at Tribal Health Facilities of participating Tribes, members of NARA and SNI policy holders may be eligible for health services at those Facilities.
A. Tribal governments and Tribal organizations, like SNHC, qualify for exemptions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Because SNI is a 100% Tribally owned Insurance company, administered by Tribal governments that regulate and grant membership in Tribal Health Communities and the Native American Restoration Association, a policyholder can qualify for exemption from the ACA individual mandate requirements, which are not presently being enforced at the federal level. Policyholders should check with their tax advisor or attorney if they have questions.
A. Federally recognized Tribes and economic arms of Tribes, like SNHC, are subject to federal law, but generally not state laws.
Tribal governments have inherent and legally recognized sovereign authority, and as such, are not subject to general state regulations. Such standing does not suggest, however, that SNHC’s purpose is to avoid regulation. To the contrary, as a 100% Tribally owned entity, SNHC and SNI have established a transparent and effective regulatory framework for matters related to accessing health care and health insurance.
The model Tribal Health and Insurance Code administered by SNHC contains processes and standards similar to some states but avoids the inconsistency of disparate state laws, and unpredictability of state regulatory enforcement.
A. As a duly constituted, inter-Tribal government instrumentality wholly owned by federally recognized Indian Tribes, SNHC exercises delegated authority from participating Tribes to perform essential government functions, including regulating and administering Tribal health and insurance laws. SNHC regulates health insurance services according to Tribal law for the Tribal Health Community established by the Tribal Health and Insurance Code. SNHC is in good standing with each participating Tribal government. SNHC has an EIN issued by the Internal Revenue Service, has given due notice as a Tribal entity engaged in commerce through the Department of Commerce and Corporations in Utah, and has been issued a State Entity Number. Tribal sovereignty and supremacy of federal law provide a firm legal foundation for SNHC, Paradigm Health Solutions, and NARA. Tribes have the right, through duly constituted Tribal organizations to provide access to health care and serve not just Tribal members but also non-Indians that are part of Tribal Health Community, leveraging exemptions in the ACA for Tribal governments and to provide services to eligible beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries recognized by the Indian Health Care Improvement Act and other federal laws.
Federally recognized Tribes have inherent sovereignty, which means they have the right to make their own laws and govern themselves. The Federal government has enforceable legal obligations to encourage and facilitate Tribal self-sufficiency through economic development. The Tribes participating in SNHC have exercised that sovereignty to create and operate SNHC, SNI and NARA.
A. SNI has the ability to market both on and off reservation because of sovereignty and because of the United States Constitution, including the interstate commerce clause and inter-Tribal commerce clause. Tribes and Tribal businesses are not legally required to only do business on their respective Reservations. Legal precedence allows Tribes to do business off reservation as well and provide services and goods to non-Tribal members. They can legally do business under the U.S. Constitution which makes inter-state commerce and inter-Tribal commerce a matter for the exclusive regulation of the federal government, instead of States.